Friday, May 31, 2019
Highwaymen of the Superhighway Essay -- Media
The network is an unregulated and chaotic environment that is only loosely governed by social norms that pitch been established by the more well-respected users leading the bide over many years. The anonymity of these billions of users allows them to break these rules and conventions with little risk of negative consequence. One of the biggest problems that stems from this is the pirating of media. mesh pirates provide make media such as movies, television shows, and practice of medicine available on websites such as The Pirate Bay, where users can download this content this free. This system takes bills away from creators and designers and gives it to the advertisers on pirating websites. There are devil reasons that people pirate media either the content they wish is too expensive, or more likely, the content they want is unavailable or too hard to obtain. a great deal pirating is not a spiteful act, but simply an easy way for users to gain access to things that Hollywoo d has made difficult to acquire. An example of this being the touristy HBO series, Game of Thrones. For a long time, fans of this show were unable to buy the shows first era because it was not on popular paid run including Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon. However, the first season was available to be downloaded for free on multiple pirating websites. Situations like this have created millions of pirates, news report for billions of illegal downloads a day in medical specialty alone (a monstrous 95% of harmony downloads) (Swash).The problem of pirating is global and the government fears the intervention of foreign websites with malicious intent. The interconnected design of the internet puts all users at risk, even those who do not pirate. Many internet pirates justify their actions with ... own. With a system like the IDA, the internet can be made into a much safer place for everyone and calm the worries of the media industry. Hopefully the government will be able to rega in the trust of the humankind and pass appropriate legislation that targets the true criminals. deeds CitedNewman, Jared. SOPA and PIPA Just the Facts. PCWorld. PCWorld, n.d. Web. 20 May 2012.Null, Christopher. The 50 Most Important People on the Web. PCWorld. PCWorld, 5 Mar. 2007. Web. 21 May 2012.Potter, Ned. SOPA Blackout Wikipedia, Google, Wired fend Internet Censorship ABC News. ABC News, 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 May 2012.Solutions For Government And The Public Sector. IBM Internet Security Systems. IMB., n.d. Web. 21 May. 2012.Swash, Rosie. Online piracy 95% of music downloads are illegal. The Guardian. The Guardian, 16 Jan. 2009. Web. 20 May 2012. Highwaymen of the Superhighway Essay -- MediaThe internet is an unregulated and chaotic environment that is only loosely governed by social norms that have been established by the more well-respected users leading the rest over many years. The anonymity of these billions of users allows them to break these rules and conventions with little risk of negative consequence. One of the biggest problems that stems from this is the pirating of media. Internet pirates will make media such as movies, television shows, and music available on websites such as The Pirate Bay, where users can download this content this free. This system takes money away from creators and designers and gives it to the advertisers on pirating websites. There are two reasons that people pirate media either the content they want is too expensive, or more likely, the content they want is unavailable or too hard to obtain. Often pirating is not a malicious act, but simply an easy way for users to gain access to things that Hollywood has made difficult to acquire. An example of this being the popular HBO series, Game of Thrones. For a long time, fans of this show were unable to buy the shows first season because it was not on popular paid services including Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon. However, the first season was available to be downloaded for free on multiple pirating websites. Situations like this have created millions of pirates, accounting for billions of illegal downloads a day in music alone (a monstrous 95% of music downloads) (Swash).The problem of pirating is global and the government fears the intervention of foreign websites with malicious intent. The interconnected design of the internet puts all users at risk, even those who do not pirate. Many internet pirates justify their actions with ... own. With a system like the IDA, the internet can be made into a much safer place for everyone and calm the worries of the media industry. Hopefully the government will be able to regain the trust of the public and pass appropriate legislation that targets the true criminals. Works CitedNewman, Jared. SOPA and PIPA Just the Facts. PCWorld. PCWorld, n.d. Web. 20 May 2012.Null, Christopher. The 50 Most Important People on the Web. PCWorld. PCWorld, 5 Mar. 2007. Web. 21 May 2012.Potter, Ned. SOPA Black out Wikipedia, Google, Wired Protest Internet Censorship ABC News. ABC News, 18 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 May 2012.Solutions For Government And The Public Sector. IBM Internet Security Systems. IMB., n.d. Web. 21 May. 2012.Swash, Rosie. Online piracy 95% of music downloads are illegal. The Guardian. The Guardian, 16 Jan. 2009. Web. 20 May 2012.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Argumentative Essay: Gun Control Laws Only Impact Law-abiding Citizens :: essays research papers fc
Tom is running full speed, maybe veritable(a) for his life. It is a perfect summer shadow in San Jose, and Tom and his work partner just left work minutes before. They were walking through a bad neighborhood when some thugs started hassling them, and shout obscenities at them. Tom and his mavin walked by them quickly soon to be chased by the thugs. The thugs were threatening Tom and his friends life. Tom and his friend continue to run till the reach a busy intersection where Tom pulls out a semi-automatic handgun from his backpack and points it towards the thugs. As soon as the gun is leveled the thugs retreat leaving the two men alone. If there had been no gun Tom and his friend would have been seriously beaten or even killed. Tom did not have a permit for the gun, and might have not been able to get one without a special reason (Rauch 731). throng like Tom need to be able to get gun permits, but it is so difficult because of all the criminal activity in America. gunslinger co ntrol laws are pointless and are only binding on the law-abiding citizens.     The waiting period method of gun control is basically a two-step process. The first step in the procedure is that the person wanting a gun goes to the gun shop to buy a gun. Then, he/she mustiness wait one to two weeks while the government performs a small background check for past criminal activities, disorderly conduct, or lack of mental/emotional stability. During this time, if the purchaser of the gun wanted the gun for a quick crime it is hoped that they will not still want to cause bodily slander after a few weeks of waiting around. Another dumb law is that is in effect in California is that if you want to carry a hide handgun, you have to prove that you have some special reason to carry(Rauch 731).     The problem with this method of gun control is that it stops the ordinary citizen from purchasing a gun quickly. It still does not stop criminals from buyi ng guns. They purchase them through "dummy buyers" that have clean backgrounds. So when the criminal enters the law abiding citizens dramaturgy with deadly intentions, the innocent victim cant defend his family cause he cant get a gun cause he was arrested for drinking and driving 10 years ago before he was even married, so therefore him and his family become victims.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay example -- Post-traumatic stress d
There are hundreds of different kinds of psychiatric disorders listed in the symptomatic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV). One of them is called Post-traumatic variant disorder (PTSD). Based on the research, post-traumatic disorder usually occurs following the experience or witnessing of austere events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults like rape (Harvard Womens Health Watch, 2005). The purpose of this paper is to argue the assay factors, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic criteria and tests, treatment, prognosis and future research and approaches to treat this psychiatric illness of post-traumatic stress disorder. Risk Factors As to all new(prenominal) kinds of disorders, ascertain the assay factors is a major influential aspect of a persons life in exposing herself to such diseases and illnesses. The factors that put people at risk for post-trau matic disorder are having a history of natural, emotional and sexual abuse. In addition to that, people who have been abused as children or who have had other previous traumatic experiences at a time in their lives are more highly to develop the disorder (Harvard Womens Health Watch, 2005). Other risk factors that contribute to PTSD include motor vehicle crashes, disasters, torture, and comorbid substance abuse (Miller, 2000). The most common precipitating events for PTSD in women were rape and physical assault. For men, physical assault and other traumas were the most prevalent. However, both genders are at heightened risk for PTSD when it comes to motor vehicle accidents. These are the major risk factors people whitethorn face that predict the likelihood of post-traumatic stress disorder to occur. Furthermore, according to Harvard Womens Health Watch 2005, people do not necessary have to set upon the traumatic events directly in order for PTSD to develop. Pathophysiology Unt il now, there has not been a definite understanding of how post-traumatic stress disorder occurs in the wiz. The exploration into its pathophysiology is middling recent. However, there is research around it discussing about PTSDs pathophysiology and coming to a complete understanding. In a normal person without the disorder, a stress hormone, adrenaline, releases from the body and prepares it to flee o... ...ive therapy is say to process the strengthening of a cognitive plan that can guide thinking and behaviour in future capability encounters with trauma, (Wells & Sembi, 2004, p. 308). Future research also includes postmortem brain studies because it is significant in understanding psychiatric disorders to the neurobiology level (Soboslay, Martin, & Kleinman, 2004). Scientists are attempting to determine which treatments work outdo for which type of trauma. Works CitedThomas Miller, Assessment of Life Stress Events the Etiology and Measurement of Traumatic Stress DisorderInter national Journal of Social Psychiatry, Vol. 38, nary(prenominal) 3, 215-227 (1992) J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2004 Dec 35 (4)307-18 15530845 (P,S,E,B)Metacognitive therapy for PTSD a preliminary investigation of a new brief treatment.My paper Adrian Wells, Sundeep Sembi Deep-Soboslay A, Martin CE, Kleinman JE.The development of a posttraumatic stress disorder brain collection.Psychiatry. 2004 Winter67(4)416-8.Harvard Womens Health Watchhttp// and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.
Essays --
My main research question for this paper was How do Social networking services affect Korean international students adaptation to the U.S.? literary works ReviewBefore SNS much(prenominal) as Facebook, launched by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, (Carlson, 2010, Par.1) became popular, most Korean international students used internet community services such as Cyworld Mini Home where people post pictures or write an open diary or email services to share his or her daily stories with family or friends living in the home country. However, internet community services are a sort of one- trend communication tool, so people requisite to regularly stop by and log into the community homepages in order to read or leave a message to his or her friends. On the former(a) hand, although email services are a two-way communication tool, it is not easy to contact everyone regularly while studying abroad. Actually, there was no way for Korean international students to maintain close relationship with home country friends and family after going abroad. Moreover, it is even more difficult for adult foreigners to make friends with waiter country students because each of them may have different cultural background or interest and concerns (Malarcher, 2004). As a result, many Korean international students develop emotional isolation and suffer from high mental stress because of homesickness, young relationship with classmates and cultural differences. For example, I had a chance to study in Omaha, atomic number 10 for nine months after finishing mandatory military services in 2002. At that time, I was not able to make American friends except for a couple of roommates since I had no chance to meet them privately, but also could not keep in touch with my friends in my homeland, so I ... ...., and cheep Inc. became public companies, people seem to regard SNS only as a profitable business model. However, the original characteristic of SNS linking people closely is still effec tive. From that point, I reviewed related literatures and compared them with what I observed during last 6 months at GWU. First, SNS cannot replace face-to face communication, so it has a limited effect to help international students adaption to the new environment. Second, since SNS makes international students feel comfortable, if colleges use them as an educational tool to draw active participation of international students, it could work. I conducted this research only based on literature reviews and observations. Therefore, for the following research, I would like to conduct a survey of Korean international students to know how they use SNS to enlarge their human networking.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Analysis of Francis Bacons The Four Idols Essay -- Four Idols Essays
Analysis of Francis Bacons The 4 Idols In The Four Idols, Francis Bacon discusses the concept of what fundament ally stands in the way of a human using the mitigate way of arriving upon a conclusion. Bacon believes thither atomic number 18 four falsehoods that delay people from uncovering what they need to the idols of the tribe, cave, marketplace and theater. At first I thought that these idols did not apply to humans at all, but now, after careful consideration, I understand how each idol relates to humankind. The Idols of the Tribe represent the illusions of human nature it refers to the fancy that our everyday problems arise simply because we are humans. For example, it is human nature to think that there is more order in the world than there really is, to tackle things as they are without question, and to not rest until we discover the truth about a certain subject. Humans tend to believe what they want to believe, even if there is evidence for the opposing th eory this is due to human free will as well as our emotional needs and responses. A prime illustration of these characteristics is that of the earth moving around the sun. At one point in time, many humans thought that the earth was the center of the universe and all things revolved around it (the earth). Though many philosophers and astronomers proposed alternate theories, the popular opinion stood. Even when evidence was presented in favor of the sun being the primary object the planets circled around, a great number of people stubbornly stuck with the old ways of thought. The Idols of the Cave represent the illusions of the individual. Everyone has their own cave which alters their opinions differently, depending upon their... ...ecause I do not have fellowship concerning that culture. On the other hand when discussing any type of minority, I can contribute a great deal of the information I have gained from my childhood adventures. In brief, I agree that we, as humans, tend to be set in our ways and many of our problems are related to miscommunication, along with the fact that our judgments are biased because of our experiences and education. Even though I believe that it is human nature to lean towards the more interesting argument, I do not agree that all humans follow the individual in command without questioning as well as disagreeing with their views on at least one subject. Works Cited Bacon, Francis. The Four Idols. Jacobus, 379-393. Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas Essential Readings for College Writers, 5th ed. Boston Bedford Books, 1999.
Analysis of Francis Bacons The Four Idols Essay -- Four Idols Essays
Analysis of Francis Bacons The Four Idols In The Four Idols, Francis Bacon discusses the concept of what fundamentally stands in the way of a human using the correct way of arriving upon a conclusion. Bacon believes there argon four falsehoods that delay people from uncovering what they need to the idols of the tribe, cave, marketplace and theater. At first I thought that these idols did not apply to macrocosm at all, but now, after careful consideration, I understand how each idol relates to humankind. The Idols of the Tribe represent the illusions of human nature it refers to the idea that our everyday problems grind away simply because we are humans. For example, it is human nature to think that there is more order in the world than there really is, to accept things as they are without question, and to not rest until we discover the truth about a certain subject. Humans tend to believe what they want to believe, even if there is evidence for the fence theory this is due to human free will as well as our emotional needs and responses. A prime illustration of these characteristics is that of the earth abject around the sun. At one point in time, many humans thought that the earth was the center of the universe and all things revolved around it (the earth). though many philosophers and astronomers proposed alternate theories, the popular opinion stood. scour when evidence was presented in favor of the sun being the primary object the planets circled around, a great matter of people stubbornly stuck with the old ways of thought. The Idols of the Cave represent the illusions of the individual. Everyone has their own cave which alters their opinions differently, depending upon their... ...ecause I do not have experience concerning that culture. On the new(prenominal) hand when discussing any type of minority, I can contribute a great deal of the information I have gained from my childhood adventures. In brief, I agree that we, a s humans, tend to be set in our ways and many of our problems are related to miscommunication, along with the fact that our judgments are biased because of our experiences and education. Even though I believe that it is human nature to lean towards the more interesting argument, I do not agree that all humans honor the individual in command without questioning as well as disagreeing with their views on at least one subject. Works Cited Bacon, Francis. The Four Idols. Jacobus, 379-393. Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas Essential Readings for College Writers, 5th ed. Boston Bedford Books, 1999.
Monday, May 27, 2019
A fAREwell to arms study guide
A Fargonwell to Arms Study Gulled Questions *Answer the following questions on a reprinting sheet of paper as completely as possible. Keep these questions/answers to use as notes in order to prep are for discussions, quizzes, and tests. BOOK I 1 . What refinement Is set in the opening chapters? why Is this unexpected? The scene that Hemingway creates is peaceful and serene. However, the tone is depressing as fall turns into winter with rains and cholera plaguing the army. This is unexpected because the bracing is a round a state of warfare and we do not see any action. 2. What are your Impressions of the narrator so far?He seems rugged yet naked as a jaybird to the beauty of nature, articulate, inured to the dying that is part of war, probably a reliable reporter of external events, entirely pretty close- lipped about his own feelings. 3. How/Why did the narrator get Involved In WWW? Why Is he In the Italian army? (1) He signed up to drive an ambulance in the Italian army, he tells the head nurse he was in Italy and spoke Italian. 4. What does the narrators initial attitude toward the war seem to be? (1) He seems objective and detached. 5. cast the relationship between the Italian officers and the priest. What are their views concerning the Catholic Church? ) The priest is young and sincere, and the others tease him about his celibacy. The others poke fun at the church also. 6. list the priests native village of Brazil. (2) Brazil is green with hills and a castle yet more guns and new hospitals and Bruits on the street. ( 10) he apologize to the priest? (3) Milan, Florence, Rome and so forth He visits women. He apologizes to the priest for not visiting his hometown and family. 8. Who is Catherine Barley? How does the lieutenant accept her? A British V. A. D. something like a nurses aid. She has been seeing Ronald and Ronald drags Let. total heat to meet his girl. Discuss the effect on Catherine of her fiances death in the war. She held regret that t hey did not marry There is sadness as she says l could collect water abandoned him that anyway she also said she was going to cut all of her hair off for him as she wanted to do something for him. (19) 10. How does Let. Ronald react to Caterings obvious preference for total heat? Was he sincere in his expressed intent to marry her? What does Ronald mean when he says, Thank God I didnt become involved with the British (32)? (5-6) Ronald is indifferent at Caterings attachment to hydrogen. He is not sincere in his intentions to marry turn a loss Barley. 11.Why does the lieutenant tell Catherine that he loves her? What is meant by the comment, This was a game, like bridge (30)? (6) He says it because it is what she wants to hear- if they are to have a physical relationship- but he has no intention of falling in love. 12. How does the soldier with the hernia feel about the war? Why does the lieutenant tell him to get bump on your head (35)? What was the outcome? (7) He doesnt want to go to the line again by getting injured in a way that doesnt look like he did it on purpose, the soldier can -and does- get a ride to the hospital. 3. What is hydrogens attitude right away toward the dangers of war? 7) He recognizes them but feels that they have nothing to do with him- that he could not be killed. 14. Why does Ronald make the lieutenant chew coffee ahead going to see Catherine? (7) To mask the smell of alcohol to say that she cant see him that evening? How might this be a turning point for atomic number 1? (7) lone(a) and hollow. He recognizes that he loves her and unyieldings to be with her. 16. How and when does heat content get injured? What medical treatment does he receive? Henry gets injured during dinner when a daub explodes near his bunker. Henry test his wound cleaned at the dressing station and then transferred to the hospital. 17.Contrast the personalities of Ronald and the priest as revealed in their visits to Henry in the hospital. What does each of them do for Henrys recovery/spirit? (10-11) Ronald Free and fun. Likes to have fun, tease, drink, and women talks about the medal of honor and brings Henry Cognac Priest Talks more about feelings and what is on his judgement (war, hometown, etc. ) Brings mosquito net, vermouth, and English newspapers. 18. Why does the priest call Henry a patriot? Is this complimentary? Why or why not? Priest calls Henry a patriot because he is a foreigner fighting for Italy. Yes it is complimentary because the priest respects Henry. 9. Discuss the priests view of love. Is the love affair between Henry and Catherine genuine according to the priests definition? (11) The priest believes that when you love you are giveing to sacrifice, do things, and serve. Love is like a religion to the priest. Henry and Catherine do have that sort of relationship. They meet together and seem to really like each other. Love making might play a key role, but they seem to care for one another. Although the relationship is young. 20. Where is Henry to be taken when he is removed from the field hospital? Why are doctors anxious for him to leave?Who will be at the other hospital? (12) To Milan to the American Hospital. Doctors need the room because there are more injured coming. Catherine was transferred to the other hospital. 21 . What is Henrys arrival at the hospital like? How does Mrs Walker try Henrys patience? Would you say that he is overbearing Or that she is over-sensitive? (13) He isnt expected and is left literally hanging- on the coat of arms of the men supporting him- eon she whines about having no room ready he orders the porter to regard him room and Mrs Walker cries. 22. How do drop off wagon train Camped and Henry get along? (13) Neither likes the other.She mistrusts him for being in the Italian army. He gets angry when she refuses to order wine for him. 23. Why do you think Miss Gage tells Henry that she doesnt like Miss Barley? (14) It is her humorous way of admi tting some Jealousy- that Miss Barley is so attractive- and perhaps some Jealousy that Miss Barley leaves no room for Miss Gage with him. 24. How does the barber act toward Henry? Why? (14) Thinking the Let. Henry is Austrian, the barber acts hostile. 25. What does Henry see when he looks at his wound now? 15) It looks repulsive- like hamburger meat- but he views it objectively , with detachment. 26.What is the surgeons advice for Henry? Why does he not like the advice? (15) The surgeon advises waiting six months before surgery, to allow the bullet to encysted. 27. Why does Henry resolve to have Dry. Valentine go ahead with the operation? (15) Let. Henry want a major- not a captain- to do the operation, and he wants it done right away- which Valentine agrees is the way to go. 28. Why does Catherine tell Henry not to think about the two of them tour he is under the anesthetic? (16) She doesnt want him to talk about their relationship in foregoing of her colleagues. 29. Why do you think Catherine wants to know about Henrys outgoing loves?Why do you think he lies? Would Catherine think less of him if he told the truth? (16) because he thinks the truth would hurt her. 30. After Henrys operation, Henry realizes that, Catherine was right. It did not make any difference who was on night duty. Why not? (17) He is feeling too sick to care whether or not he sees Catherine that night. 31 . How do Ferry and Catherine get along? Ferry and Henry? Why do Ferry and Henry have this type of relationship? (17) The women are honourable friends Ferry is protective of Catherine and suspicious of Let. Henrys intentions. 32. Why dont Catherine and Let. Henry get married? 18) Catherine points out that if they were married, she would probably be sent away. 33. What are Catherine and Henrys beliefs about religion? (18) She tells Let. Henry that he is her only religion he seems to be pretty much of an atheist. 34. Who are the Meyers? Who else does Henry know in Milan and what do th ey do for a lifetime? (19) They are a couple who like horseradish. 35. How can you tell that Catherine has deep-rooted fears? Why does she cry when it anis? (19) She says that she is afraid- that she images both of them dead in the rain. 36. Describe the horse races at San Sirs. What about them makes Catherine feel unclean? 20) 37. What is Caterings bear-sized news for Henry? How does Henry seem to feel when he finds out? (21) She is pregnant. He is worried but reassuring. 38. How long was Henrys convalescent leave supposed to be? How did he lose it? (22) A couple of weeks he develops Jaundice and Miss Van Camped accuses him of 39. Before Henry leaves, he and Catherine go too hotel. Why is she unhappy there? (23) She feels like a where. 40. How does Henry end up on the floor of the train back to the front? (24) He pays a mould- gunner to hold it for him, but gives up the seat when a captain protests. BOOK Ill 41 .What is the change in caprice Henry encounters in Georgia when he returns from the hospital? Why doesnt it feel like a homecoming? (25) Gloom is pervasive and things have changed. He does not know the British ambulance driver, the major looks older, etc. 42. What does the major tell Henry about how things have been going while Henry was away? (25) The major says it has been a bad summer and there are many sick he is pessimistic bout the next year. 43. How does Ronald seem to be doing? How has he changed since Henry stretch out saw him? (25) While he still Jokes, he seems depressed about the war and worried because he believes he has syphilis. 4. Why does Henry tell Ronald he doesnt want to drink too much? (25) Let. Henry explains that he has had Jaundice. 45. How has the priest changed since Henry last saw him? What does he mean when he says, Many flock have realized the war this summer on page 178? (26) The priest is subdued, weary he thinks that people are finally realizing the brutality and senselessness of war. 6. What does Henry think abou t Gins patriotism? (27) he notices Gins criticism of his own country which is not in keeping with a patriotic mindset. 47. Why do the Italians computer program to retreat? What is Henrys role in the preparations? 27) The order is given after the Germans break through to the north Let. Henry is supposed to stay put and help clean-living out the hospital equipment and the wounded not all the wounded can be evacuated. 48. Why do Henry and the others leave the main road? (28) They are afraid of getting stuck if the column is stopped by a few dead horses or deserted trucks. 49. What happens to the sergeants when Henry asks them to help free the ambulance? Are Henrys actions justify? (29) When the sergeants refuse to help get the ambulance out of the mud, Let. Henry shoots and injures one, whom Bone happily finishes off. 50.Pain and Ammo call themselves anarchists and socialists. What do they mean? (29) An anarchist believes in voluntary association- overthrow of the government control a socialist advocates giving ownership and control of land and capital to the community as a whole. 51 . Why does Henry go across the bridge first? What does this show about his developing/changing character? 30) They all know that the bridge may be mined- but that one person alone probably would not detonate the explosives he is pretty brave and feels responsible for the others. 52. Why is Henry so angry when he sees the German staff car and bicyclists? 30) It means that the Italians have not held back the Germans he thinks the Italians should have blown up the bridge and set up machine gunners along the embankment. 53. Who gets killed from Henrys group? How? Who actually shoots him? Why is Henry so upset about his death? (30) Ammo gets shot by frightened Italians. Let. Henry isnt visibly upset, but admits that he 54. How does Henry almost get killed? Why? How does he escape? (30) The Italian battle police are about to shoot him for sledding his regiment- and because they suspect he is a German- when he escapes by Jumping into the river. 5. Why does Henry cut the stars from his sleeves? (31) For convenience- so that he wont be further irritate as an officer without his regiment 56. What does Henry think about as he lies in the train car? How does he feel about the war and his life at this point? How has his character change since the beginning of the novel? (32) He thinks about his lack of anger, his desire simply to wash his hands of the war, and bout the friends- Ronald, the priest, etc. that he will never see again. He had been sure that the war would not kill him- now he knows it could.He is anxious to be with Catherine, while at the beginning he wanted no commitments. BOOK 57. What help does the proprietor of the bar in Milan offer Henry? Why does he deal this offer? (33) He offers him a safe place to stay and phony leave papers having seen Let. Henry lump from the train, he has deduced that Henry is in trouble- and very likes him. 58. What informa tion do the porter and his wife give Henry? Why does Henry offer them money? Why do they refuse it? (33) Catherine has gone to mark he pays them to keep quiet, but they refuse the money because they like him and want to help. 9. Who is Simmons? Where in the novel does he first appear? How does he help Henry? (33) Henry met Simmons when he was a patient at the hospital in Milan and Simmons was taking voice lessons Simmons gives him some civilian clothes. 60. Explain what Henry means when he says, I had made a separate peace on page 243. (34) the war, he Just wants to be contentedly alone with Catherine somewhere. 61 . How does Henry find Catherine once he gets to Stress? 34) He asks the barman at the hotel whether he has seen two English girls the barman finds out where Catherine and her friend are staying. 62.How does Helen Ferguson react to Henrys style in Stress? Why? (34) She is angry and annoyed because she feels Henry has exploited Catherine also, she is probably Jealous beca use he is taking away her companion. 63. Where does Henry plan to go to leave the war behind? Why? (34) To Switzerland 64. Why does Henry feel like a criminal? (34) Because he has deserted from the Army 65. Who is Count heartache? Despite the age difference, how are he and Henry alike? (35) A very old man Henry had met previously as they play billiards, he reveals his believe that Italy will win the war- since younger nations usually do. 6. Why does Emilio, the barman, come to Henrys room in the middle of the night? (36) To alert Let. Henry that there are plans to arrest Henry in the morning. 67. What escape plan do Emilio and Henry devise? (36) Emilio gives Henry his rowboat and Henry and Catherine row to Switzerland. 68. What do Henry and Catherine decide to do as soon as they reach their destination? What immediately happens after theyre done? (37) They go too cafe and order a big breakfast. They are arrested but dont seem afraid. They foresaw the arrest. 69. What excuse do Henr y and Catherine give for their trip to Switzerland?
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Caffeine and Reaction Time Essay
1) Identify the Problem or QuestionHow does the inhalation of caffeine affect the reception time of the nervous system?2) Introduction end of the try To identify the whether or not caffeine increases or decreases the reception time of the nervous system.In our taste, we have decided to use all the cases which forget rill how fast a signal from our brain will be sent to our muscles in order to click the mouse when we see an object or directions on the screen. We know that the commonly used drug, caffeine, increases the heart rate, thus the increase in blood flow. The question in our experiment is, does the increase of blood flow, caused by caffeine, positively or negatively affects the reaction time that it takes to click the mouse the moment we see an approaching object.An early(a) underlying grammatical constituent we kindle psychoanalyze in our experiment is gender and age. Since we are using test subordinates whose ages and gender vary from 16 to 50 and from male to fem ale, we can roughly conclude whether or not age and gender affect reaction time. The reason we say roughly, is that the two factors, age and gender, are being tested in conjunction with the pulmonary tuberculosis of caffeine. We do not know if the consumption of caffeine and its effects vary for how old the person is and his or her gender.3) Research and Current IdeasIn past experiments, muckle have concluded that there is an inconsistency in results depending on the amount of caffeine consumed. Apparently, a half-cup of coffee had faster reaction time than the reaction times that were pull when the test subject matter drank a full cup of coffee. The person had concluded that too much caffeine could actually impair reaction time, except the right dosage could potentially increase reaction time.4) Predict a solution to the problem or an answer to the questionScientific Hypothesis The consumption of 12oz of ground coffee will speed up our reaction time. Using past experiments co nducted by other people, and the chemical compounds of caffeine and its affects on our body, we have drawn this venture.Dependent Variable Reaction timeIndependent Variable Condition of the test subject (Caffeine)The reaction time is the dependent variable, because the results depend on the check off of our subject. The condition of the test subject is the independent variable because we are changing the state of our test subject by increasing their caffeine levels.5) Design the experiment to be used to test your hypothesisMaterials* 4 tablespoons/24 of Maxwell house coffee blend* Computer/Internet* 4 test subject (2 16 year olds/ 2 middle aged adults, one of each gender) * Serendip softwareProcedure1) Complete a control experiment by conducting the serendip experiment while you are in your natural state for each test subject. 2) The site for the serendip activity is 3) Make sure that each Case is through 10 times to ensure accuracy. 4) Click Results Summary and record the information given. 5) Have each test subject consume 12 oz (2 tablespoons) of the Maxwell theatre Coffee blend. 6) Wait five minutes before the test subject goes through the serendip reaction time activity again. 7) Repeat steps 1-3 for each test subject, except after he or she has consumed the coffee and waiting for a duration of 5 minutes before completing the serendip activity. 8) Record the results in a data table.6) Carry out the experiment seek Type Control sample Experiment w/ Caffeine ferment 219 +- 15 milliseconds 194+- 11 millisecondsThink, Act 270 +- 32 milliseconds 243 +- 28 milliseconds Read, Think, Act 394+- 74 milliseconds 364 +- 68 milliseconds Read, Think-Negate, Act 383+- 102 milliseconds 352 +- 64 milliseconds Jazmine Ortiz, 16, FemaleJazmine Ortiz, 16, FemaleDaniel Kim, 16, phallicDaniel Kim, 16, Male screen Type Control Experiment Experiment w/ CaffeineAct 210 +- 10 milliseconds 191+- 8 millisecondsThink, Act 267 +- 31 milliseconds 236 +- 25 milliseconds Read, Think, Act 381+- 74 milliseconds 344 +- 60 milliseconds Read, Think-Negate, Act 375+- 102 milliseconds 342 +- 58 milliseconds Test Type Control Experiment Experiment w/ CaffeineAct 384 +- 72 milliseconds 298+- 38 millisecondsThink, Act 340 +- 62 milliseconds 323 +- 50 milliseconds Read, Think, Act 422+- 124 milliseconds 414 +- 119 milliseconds Read,Think-Negate, Act 398+- 102 milliseconds 375 +- 102 milliseconds Test Type Control Experiment Experiment w/ CaffeineAct 372 +- 70 milliseconds 361+- 67 millisecondsThink, Act 321 +- 49 milliseconds 310 +- 46 milliseconds Read, Think, Act 398+- 76 milliseconds 391 +- 74 milliseconds Read, Think-Negate, Act 394+- 106 milliseconds 370 +- 68 milliseconds *The data shown are the averages of 10 trials that was calculated by the serendip program *The data shown are the averages of 10 trials that was calculated by the serendip program Keon Shim, 39, MaleKeon Shim, 39, MaleMi Ok Kim, 44, FemaleMi O k Kim, 44, Female7) Analyze the data and observations7) Cont.Analysis The results we received from the experiment were what we had suspected. For every test subject, the reaction times for every Case that were influenced by the coffees caffeine were quicker than the controlled reaction times. For example, Daniel Kim had a controlled Read, Think-Negate, Act average reaction time of 375+-102 milliseconds. When he consumed the 12 oz of coffee, his average reaction time decreased to 344+-60 milliseconds.It is quite apparent from the graphs that the average reaction time for every case for each test subject decreased when absorbing caffeine into their system. Test subjects also consumed the right amount of caffine, 160mg, which allowed the subject to shorten their reaction time, while the wrong dosage could impair it. We can also draw from the graphs the relation that the younger the test subjects are, the quicker their reaction time will be. Also, we can also conclude from the results t hat males tend to have a quicker reaction time than females (Daniels reaction times were faster than Jazmines, and Keons were faster than Mis).8) State the conclusionThe hypothesis was correct. The effects of caffeine shortened the reaction time in all of our test subjects.9) Summary ParagraphThe reason why we were able to correctly devise a hypothesis for the experiment was because of the prior knowledge we had of the drug, caffeine. Caffeine increases the heart rate, which allows for faster muscle contractions. Caffeine does not really affect the actual reaction of the nervous system, simply rather the actual contractions of the muscles themselves. This known fact of caffeine is reflected in the experiment. It shortened the reaction time of our test subjects in every case. We found other factors in our experiment that may have affected the reaction time of our test subjects. A few scientists have theorized that gender can affect reaction time.They say that males tend to have a fa ster reaction time because males are usually involved in more physical activities, such as sports, which helps improve reaction time. That theory is also reflected in our results. All the male subjects had faster reaction times than their age equivalent female subjects. Finally, the last factor would be the age of the test subject. Our younger test subjects both had faster reaction times than both the older test subjects. There are some theories being circulated that once someone enters their mid-twenties, their reaction time slowly increases.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Handling of Grievance Procedurin Organizations
Various organizations are aware about the diversification of the employees traits and char puzzle outeristics. Instead of letting these individuals affects the finishing of the organization, it is the corporate culture that tends to affect their behavior. Still, there are chances that within the organization, the collision and clash of ideas might turn into arguments. In order to bring back the harmony inside the organization, the attention is engaged in handling the different faces of issues to maintain the life and the employees traffichip. Background of the involveThe issue of injury within the organization is identified as the protest of the spate against the application of the policies which is placed in an unjust or unfair manner (Hardeman, 2006). The organization sets rules or regulations which some of the employees finds faults or conflicts. In order to compensate their respectable to clarify the things, in which they believe that will affect them sooner, the employee s do what for them fits and right. The grievance is the kind of procedure that values the idea and commenceicipation of the employees but often interpreted as a negative factor within the organizations.However, the organizations are still looking for an effective way in handling the grievances in their organization. Scope of the Study The scope of the study intentionally addresses the handling of the grievances inside the organization. The arrangement of the grievance is important in all types of organization. The creation of the study is meant for properly handling the grievances with administrations judgment and the person or volume involved should be addressed their on role and address their issue of grievance. Research ObjectivesThe first accusive of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the grievance procedures within the organization. The second objective is to identify the appropriate techniques in handling the grievance within the organizations. With these two o bjectives, the value organization brush off buoy identify the right formula in handling the conflict such as grievance in the workplace. Literature Review In order to adjust the employees concerns, there are recognized procedures that applied by the organization in detailing the every inch of the problems.The grievance procedures are tell in the specified area of labor in which the main concept is to implement the system regarding the various concerns and complaints. People are important for the business leading and jitneys, and to minimize the conflicts and other problem within the workplace, they have to handle the issue with fair treatment. Historically, the grievance procedures can formulate the positive outcomes and contribute to for the effectiveness of the trouble. This can be another tool for the management to maintain the relationships within the workplace.With the use of the system, the management can evaluate its deject flexibility for the managers are capable in handling the arguments by providing therapeutic value. The grievance procedures provide the means of indentifying the appropriate practices, procedures, and administrative policies that can cause the employees complaints be considered (Bohlander, 1989). The creation of the grievance procedures began with the various conceptualizations of the people and their access in resolutions. The comparison of the female and male employees has difference means of grievance procedure.Mostly, women are anticipated in seeking nicety but are lacked in the access in networks that are necessary towards the resolution. Meanwhile, the men are hesitant to embrace the formality of the grievance procedures for they were reluctant to monetary value their relationships with other people (Hoffman, 2005). There are recognized steps in handling the grievance which can be also applied in the do work of the organizations. Firstly and whitethornbe the most important, is to let the person or the people stand u p and speak on what are the things they believed is wrong.Everybody has a right to be heard, and with the open communication, the problem can be easily resolved (Hardeman, 2004). The people who participated should be true to himself to let the organization what he truly desires regarding on the impose regulations. Methodology The proposed method in the study is the use of the comparative case study which is colligate and concern regarding to the grievance procedures. With the aid of the past literatures and other related study, the current study can have the opportunity to compare and review the related study that emphasizes the handling of grievance and the procedures.In addition, the study can generate its own analysis and conclusion on what would be the best applied technique/s to handle and, therefore, resolve the recognized grievance within the organization. References Bohlander, G. W. , 1989. Public vault of heaven Independent Grievance Systems Methods and Procedures, Publi c Personnel Management, Vol. 18, No. 3. Hardeman, T. , 2004. Complaint, Grievance, Whistle-Blowing Administrative Regulation Online Available at http//www. faith. edu. ph/manila/uploads/file/policies/grievance-policy-web. df Accessed 22 March 2010. Hoffman, E. , 2005. gainsay Resolution in a Worker Cooperative Formal Procedures and Procedural Justice, Law & Society Review, Vol. 39, No. 1. Read more http//ivythesis. typepad. com/term_paper_topics/2010/03/handling-of-grievance-procedures-in-organizations. htmlixzz17KYToojb Introduction Maintaining whole tone of work life for its employees is an important concern for the any organisation. The grievance handling procedure of the organisation can affect the harmonious environment of the organisation.The grievances of the employees are related to the contract, work rule or regulation, policy or procedure, health and safety regulation, past practice, changing the cultural norms unilaterally, individual victimization, wage, bonus, etc. He re, the attitude on the part of management in their effort to understand the problems of employees and resolve the issues amicably have better probability to maintain a culture of high performance. Managers must be educated about the importance of the grievance process and their role in maintaining favorable relations with the sum of money.Effective grievance handling is an essential part of cultivating good employee relations and running a fair, successful, and productive workplace. Positive labor relations are two-way street both sides must give a little and campaign to work together. Relationship building is key to successful labor relations. Precautions and Prescriptions The management should take care of following aspects to develop a culture of trust and self-reliance upon the employees. 1. Always ensure that the managers involved in the grievance handling procedures have a quiet place to meet with the complainant. . Always ensure that managers have decent time to be devot ed to the complainant. 3. Explain managers role, the policy and the procedures clearly in the grievance handling procedure. 4. Fully explaining the situation to the employee to eliminate any misunderstanding and encourage better acceptance of the situation complained of. 5. crusade to let employee present their issues without prejudging or commenting 6. Do use a positive, friendly ways to resolve the crisis than punitive steps, which foment the system. 7.Do remain calm, cool, collected during the course of the meeting. 8. Always focus on the subject of the grievance than allied issues. 9. Dont tie threats manage the grievances. 10. Never make use of allegations against personalities. 11. Be aware of the staff members potential concerns to the possible repercussions of raising a grievance. 12. Dont become angry, belligerent, or hostile during grievance handling procedure. 13. Do listen for the main transmit of arguments and any possible avenue to resolve the grievance. 14.Listen and respond afflictively to any distress exhibited by the employees. 15. Eliminating the source of the irritation or discomfort being complained of. 16. calm down them that the managers will be acting impartially and that your hope is to resolve the matter if possible. 17. Dont horse trade or swap one grievance for another (where the union wins one, management wins one). Each case should be decided on its merits. 18. Avoid usage of verbosisms like it will be taken care of. 19. Ensure effective, sensitive and confidential communication between all involved. 0. Take all possible steps to ensure that no victimization occurs as a result of the grievance being raised. 21. The investigator or decision maker acts impartially, which means they must exclude themselves if there is any bias or conflict of interest. 22. All parties are heard and those who have had complaints made against others are given an opportunity to respond. 23. Try to look upon the problem on different angles for app ropriate understanding. 24. Ensuring that there is proper probe of the facts and figures related the problem under concern. 25.Consider all relevant information in the investigation process. 26. Ask the staff member their preferred resolution option, although it is important to make it clear that this may not be a possible outcome. 27. Be aware of the limits of authority of the person who involved in the grievance handling procedures. 28. If the manager feels that he/she is not the appropriate person (senior manager) to deal with the issue refer the complainant to the appropriate person as soon as possible. 29. Try to get a better idea of whether the alleged discrimination or harassment happened or didnt happen. 0. Tell them exactly what they are supposed to have done, to whom and explain, why this may be seen as discrimination/harassment or as inappropriate. 31. Grievances are preferably to be settled informally at the level of the employees immediate supervisor. 32. Try the level best to involve team members to resolve the crisis at unit level itself. 33. Avoid as far as possible the union pastime in conflict resolution situation process. 34. Follow documentation the procedures, of all necessary steps taken to resolve the problem/complaint. ConclusionTo a great guide the aggravation of industrial problems depends on managers approaches and attitude in effective handling of employees grievances. Care should be taken in the way managers approaches the problem and perceiving the pros and cons of the situation. The conflict management approaches include the win-win strategy that help in the healthy organisational practices and which reflects the strong organisational culture. The cooperation from both parties is the pre-requisite to handle the problem and effective settlement of the grievances.Conscious use of professional self can help managers in the conflict handling situations grievance redressal process. References 1. European Trade Union Institute (1989 ) Collective Bargaining in Western Europe 2. Ozaki (1987), prod Relations in the Public Service, IL Review, July Aug. 3. Schregle J (1991)Workers Participation in Decisions Within Undertaking IL Review Jan Feb. APSRACT A grievance is a sign of an employees discontent with his job or his relationship with his colleagues.Grievances generally arise out of the day-to-day working relations in an organization. An employee or a trade union protests against an act or policy of the management that they consider as violating employees rights. One of the effective ways of minimizing and eliminating the source of an employees grievance is by having an open threshold policy. An open door policyfacilitates upward communication in the organization where employees can walk into a superiorscabin at any time and express their grievances.The National Commission on tire suggested a Model Grievance Procedure, which lays down the sequence of steps to be taken whenever a grievance is expressed. Confl ict occurs when two or more people or parties perceive an incompatibility in their goals or expectations. There are seven methods for achieving reconciliation of conflict. These methods are win-lose, withdrawal and retreat from argument, smoothing and playing down the difference, arbitration, mediation, agree and problem solving. Of all these methods
Friday, May 24, 2019
Flannery Oââ¬â¢Connorsââ¬â¢s short story Essay
I believe the main theme in Flannery OConnorss get around story, Good Country population is approving everyone wants to believe that they are beautiful and we seek approval from two our parents and friends.In this short story a girl, Joy, longs for her mothers approval. After she is unable to get her mothers approval Joy starts believing that she is unworthy of anyones admiration. Joy is thirty-two years of age and has a wooden leg, which makes it even harder for her to be socially accepted. Joys wooden leg represents the on going theme of approval in OConnors story. Joy changes her name to Hulga which Mrs.Hopewell feels is one of the ugliest names she could adopt chosen. This could be interpreted as a representation of how Joy Hulga feels ab tabu herself.I do not want to say that I do not have any beliefs, honestly I dont tell apart what it is that I believe in. To me this story depicts the real meaning of life and how you sens be joyful with your own self, disability or n ot. By changing her name to Hulga I believe that Joy not only accepts herself but realizes that not everyone is meant to be do perfectly.Hulgas main accomplishment is her education, a Ph. D in Philosophy. Joys mother, Mrs. Hopewell did not like the fact that her daughter had gotten a Ph. D in Philosophy. My daughter is a schoolteacher, or even my daughter is a chemical engineer. You cant say, my daughter, the philosopher. That was something that had ended with the Greeks and Romans, (OConner, 276). Hulgas mother was never rattling accepting of her daughters choices. some other main character in this short story is, Manley arrow. I could consider his role in this story to be very ironic. He goes around selling bibles to so called non-believers but can never leave without stealing something. This character is a very smooth talking and can almost always out talk his way out of any tight or difficult home. Ultimately, the deception of portrayal and deceiving has been seen to symbo lize the devil. Pointer starts his deceiving by coming off as to good to be true and overly friendly all in all a true christian. I hope you dont think, he said in a lofty indignant tone, that I believe in that crap I may sell bibles but I know which end is up and I wasnt born yesterday and I know where Im going, (OConnor, 290). Manley finally comes clean to Hulga and admits that he is not really who he says he is and that he is not a christian. Manly had beaten the Hulga, a woman who believed that he was such an innocent man and not often else, began to believe in the man he was and who they could be together. Hulga had decided that for the first time in her life she was face to face with real innocence. (289)This short story has opened my eyes, in the simple fact that the characters are so symbolic. Each one representing faith in their own way. From their names such as, Mrs. Hopewell and Mrs. freewoman to Hulgas symbolic wooden leg. We discussed in class the importance of the cha racters names such as Mrs. Freeman, free Mrs. Hopewell, hope Joy Hopewell, joy Manly Pointer man. Each name or figure represents some sort of theme which makes this short story much more ironic.OConnors depiction of this story is both comical and very meaningful in many different ways. Mrs. Freeman is comical at the beginning of the story when her facial expressions are described as never being wrong and when she is, it is evident her face comes to a complete stop. (271) Mrs. Hopewell considers herself to be a good person, with each character she sees the good and focuses on that. The reason behind this may be a way of comfort to just see the good, and ignore the bad in plenty. Joy uses her education as a way of having wisdom and avoiding a belief in any type of religion. Manly is a symbol of deception and control, he takes every situation and manipulates it to his advantage.The characters in this short story portray many people that I associate with in real life. From Mrs. Hopewel l who always sees the good things in everybody and does whatever she can to help people out. And Manly, who is like almost every male in this world in it only for the benefit of himself and in the end hes only going to do something if it benefits him in the end. Then there is Hulga, who is very conscious of the people around her and she also lacks confidence. She fits a very timid life and is afraid to live her own life, shes to worried about what someone is going to say to her.This short story is a very good deception of everyday life and challenges that people are faced with daily. It also contains many different symbols and opened my eyes to the meaning of faith.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Developments in 3 Dimensional Art in 20th Century Essay
Three dimensional art officiates went through a profound period of transition through the 20th century. At the start, sculpture could be summed up in Johann Gottfreid von Herders consideration of sculpture as a harsh reality. Unlike painting and the other traditional media, sculpture was being redefined, both form ally and technically. Painting, despite the many innovations and explorations that occurred in the 20th century, was still cover and pigment put on a flat surface.But sculpture, rather 3 dimensional arts, became so much more dynamic and expansive. There was no requisite to make 3 dimensional art wee-wees to be made of traditional materials like stone, bronze or wood but instead, they could-and were-made of anything. One major ontogenesis was installation art. Installation art was three dimensional works that was meant to engage and transform the exhibition space or whatever is in proximity to the work itself. Land art is the outdoor equivalent of this phenomenon.Instal lation can be considered coming into real prominence during the 1970s, but has its roots all the way sand with Marcel Duchamps readymade sculptures The genre can include traditional and allday materials, as well as new media such(prenominal) as video, audio, and performance. Before the oral communication of installation was coined, these types of works were also called environments, project art, and temporary art. Its primary focus is to have the work of art exceed traditional media through the escaping of flat, square frames, and pedestals with uninvolved objects.Instead, it attempts to immerse the viewer, the environment, and all its other adjunct factors in as a part of the art. For this reason, most installations are considered to have no definite specific media. Instead, it is verbalise that time and space are the only persistent divisors of this type of work. The overwhelming element of installations developed from Richard Wagners revival of Gesamkunstwerk in his operas . He incorporated every element of art to completely overwhelm the viewer. This is the intent of the installation artist.In another vein, three dimensional arts, particularly the more traditional genre of sculpture, the element and philosophy of minimalism became dominant with the vanguard of David Smith. David Smith is a primary example of this. His sculptures were some of the most original and simplistic sculptures at the time. Among the greatest American sculptors of the twentieth century, David Smith was the first to work with welded metal. He wove a rich mythology around this rugged work, often talking of the formative experiences he had in his spring chicken while working in a car body workshop.Yet this only disguised a brilliant mind that fruitfully combined a range of influences from European modern-dayism including Cubism, Surrealism, and Constructivism. It also concealed the motivations of a somewhat private man whose art was marked by expressions of trauma. Smith was c lose to painters such as Robert Motherwell, and in many respects he translated the painterly concerns of the Abstract Expressionists into sculpture. But far from being a follower, his achievement in sculpture was typical and influential.He brought qualities of industrial manufacturing into the language of art and proved to be an important influence on Minimalism. Collage was an important influence on Smith, and it shaped his work in various ways. It inspired him to see that a sculpture, just like a paper collage, could be made up of various existing elements. It also encouraged him to combine found objects like tools into his sculptures it later influenced the way he contrasted synecdochical motifs and informed the way he assembled the full-grown-scale geometric abstract sculptures of his persist days.One of Smiths most important formal innovations was to abandon the idea of a core in sculpture. This notion was pervasive in modern sculpture, fostering an approach that saw sculp tural form springing from a center that was almost imagined to be organic and alive. But Smith replaced it with the idea of drawing in space. He would use thin wire to produce linear, transparent sculptures with figurative motifs at their edges. Later he would use large geometric forms to create structures reverberative of the vigorous gestures of the Abstract Expressionists.One of the means by which Smith sought to keep the viewer at a distance from his sculptures emotionally and intellectually was to think over innovative approaches to composition. These were aimed at making it difficult for the viewer to perceive or imagine the entirety of the object at once, forcing us to consider it part by part. One system he used was to disperse pictorial motifs around the edge of the sculpture, so that our eyes have to move from one element to another. other was to make the sculptures look and seem very different from the front than they do from the side.He completely redefined the co nstruction methods of sculpture, using a blow torch to weld instead of castingthe normal way to make sculpture. As a result, much of his work is highly original, and it is considered that he has a strong relation to painters. The method he uses is, in fact, more closely related to painting than the typical act of sculpture. He adds separate pieces of scrap metal and welds them together. He also pushed the boundaries subjectively in sculpture, producing some subjects that were never produced in three dimensional arts before.Later on, he also began using a sanderwhich helped define the metric grain found on his cubi series. It was through this man that American sculpture was defined. Minimalism was his main influence in these later designs, in which he stripped forms of all their excess elements to give it the bare minimum representation. David Smiths career encompasses a range of styles, from the figurative expressionism of his early relief sculptures, to the organic abstraction of his Surrealist-influenced work, to the geometric constructions of his later years.In this respect, he drew on many of the same European modernist influences as his peers, the Abstract Expressionists. And, like them, one of his most important advances amaze in adapting the language Even with David smith and the minimalist movement, there were still more stylistic developments in the 20th century. There was also a resurgence of figurative art during this period. IN 1960, art critic Pierre Restrany wrote a manifesto for a group who called themselves the new realists, and called for a new way of perceiving the real.The bound nouveau realisme, or new realism, has long been tied to the specific claims made by the critic Pierre Restany about the Paris-based art group he promoted. Restany convinced Arman, Yves Klein, jean Tinguely, Daniel Spoerri, Martial Raysse, Jacques de la Villegle, Raymond Hains, and Francois Dufrene to sign on initially, and then added Cesar, Niki de Saint-Phalle, Gerard Deschamps, Mimmo Rotella, and Christo. His 1960 manifesto characterized their art as affirmatively summoning the whole of sociological reality, the common good of human activity, the large republic of our social exchanges, of our commerce in society.This movement led to a newfound interest in the human figure, which seemingly disappeared during the popularity of abstract expressionism and minimalism. To this group any image could be incorporated into the art of the new realists. They had a similar goal as the makers of installationsto bring the world of art closer and more applicable to real life. Therefore they tended toward true-to-life(prenominal) artwork. In the field of figurative art, they often focused on outside objects of the figure for identification, in an attempt to avoid the traps of figurative art petty bourgeois and Stalinist social realism.These artists also began a more collective attitude towards art, sometimes making works in quislingism with each other, with the intent of displaying the works anonymously. This massive new development in three dimensional work is partially due to the photograph making the realistic image somewhat obsolete, and thus at the beginning of the century an urgency of abstracted and regular(a)tually non representative work began to develop. Later on, abstract expressionism pushed boundaries even gain ground to challenge the process of making art.By the time the sixties come around, artists are on the edge of these two frontiers, and some manage to push the boundaries even further, exploring the process more through building installations out of anything and making sculpture from scrap. Others, however, feel a drought in the art world and call for a new, innovative way to display the real. All in all, disinterest in realistic images and a thirst for exploration are what mark the midcentury three dimensional art scenes.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Energy Crisi in Pakistan
Tarbelas 4th extension project to add 1410 MW Posted byadminon August 22, 2011inPkToday0 Comment ISLAMABAD (APP) The pith extension aptitude of the Tarbela Hydro causality Station will touch 4,888 megawatt mark with the addition of 1,410 MW as a leave al genius of 4th extension project. Official sources told APP on sunlight that the detailed engineering design, tender documents and PC-1 of the Tarbela 4th Extension Project were in active proficiency and would be completed by next month and would toll $5. 5 one million million provided by the World Bank.M/S Mott MacDonald (UK) was hired for the detailed engineering design of the project. The sources say that the project would take four years later on award of the contract. They say the project would not only relent additional 1410 MW cheap hydel mogul but besides save foreign exchange of $ 900 million spent on import of one million tons of furnace pet procedureum annually for equivalent generation of electricity from th ermal resources. The World Bank has also shown interest in financing civil works and generating units of the project during the construction, they said.The project will also provide a cushion to undertake rehabilitation and up-gradation of the exist Tarbela Power House during the lean period. It is pertinent to mention that Tarbelas 4th Extension Project is a part of least-cost heartiness generation plan, being use by WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority) on priority to harness autochthonous hydro personnel resources of the country with a view to improving the ratio of hydel electricity in the home(a) grid. 50 MW burn cater fix being installed in SIEPosted byadminon September 23, 2011inPkToday1 Comment Punjab industrial Estates (PIE) has completed sign work to install the first ever 50 megawatt (MW) ember tycoon generation plant in Sundar Industrial Estate (SIE) in Lahore man plow of getting license from NEPRA is underway. For this purpose, the Board of Director of PIE has established a power committee under PIE, which will look after this and other power associate projects of industrial solid grounds of Punjab.You back end read also Thin Film Solar CellChairman of PIE, SM Tanveer in a briefing to Lahore Economic Journalist Association on Thursday said extension work of 132 KVA grid station of PIE was also underway to add additional 34 megawatt in the industrial estate governance to ensure uninterrupted availability of power to the industries of the SIE. Meanwhile, PIE has also started Industrial Estate development work in Bahlwal and Rahim Yar Khan with its own resources, he said adding that plan and development of ten other industrial estates in the province was also underway.He said these industrial estates would be established in Kasur Tannery Park, Gujrat, Vehari, Bahawalpur, D G Khan, Wazirabad carver Cluster, Jhang, Okara, Sahiwal and Rawalpindi. He said PIE was working under the vision of Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif to overhear the Punjab an industrial hub in the country with all modern facilities. He said a 100-acre halal Park would also be established in Rahim Yar Khan and Multan Industrial Estates to promote the Halal products of Pakistan and get its sh atomic number 18 from world Halal food market.He said PIEDMC made the public private partnership concept successful and completing its project with disclose support of any governing body institution. He said the Punjab establishment had given Rs 1 billion only at the time the PIEDMC was establishedand now the company is worth roughly Rs 15 billion. Talking most the financials of the company, S M Tanveer said that PIE BoD approved 2005 to 2008 accounts while international repute Internal and External Auditors was appointed for self-accountability of the PIEDMC.He said SIE is a state-of-the-art industrial estate in Pakistan where all utilities and concerned departments offices including SNGPL, EOBI and Social Security were establ ished. He said as the result of the present management of the PIE, the Punjab governing had abolished capital comfort tax. He said the master plan of Bahlwal Industrial Estate was completed and litigations in Multan Industrial Estate were finished so that work on Phase-II of this estate could be started.PIEDMC is under process of developing Rahim Yar Khan, Bhalwal, Multan Phase II and Vehari industrial estates and kernel available land is 1590 acres whereas the sellable land is 1,094 acresapprox 70% of the total land. Whereas the remaining 30% will be used for horticulture and infrastructure development. Chairman of PIE in excogitateed it is worth mentioning that through industrialisation of these industrial estates we will depict 192,000 jobs. He further explained the total contribution in the GDP of the country would be approx Rs 17 billion. OUTLINE 1. Introduction . Pakistans cipher Sector 2. 1 Energy Supply 2. 2 Energy Consumption 3. Sources of Energy in Pakistan 3. 1 Non- re saucyable resources (Fossil fuels) a). Petroleum products b). Natural Gas c). Coal 3. 2 Renewable Resources a). Hydro power o Current Hydropower stations o Potential Hydropower stations 3. 3 Alternative Energy Sources a). Wind b). Solar c). Agricultural biomass /biodiesel d). tidal 3. 4 nuclear 4. Causes of Energy Crisis 4. 1 Growing Energy Demand 4. 2 Lack of proactive and integrated planning for production of cypher 4. 3 Imbalanced strength mix 4. Non-utilization of enormous indigenous skill resources a). Thar Coal b). Hydal power generation 5. Consequences of Energy Crisis 5. 1 Economic Factors 5. 2 agriculture Sector 5. 3 Industrial Sector 5. 4 Unemployment 5. 5 Social Issues 5. 6 Poverty 6. Conclusion 7. Recommendation/Solutions of Energy Crisis 7. 1 Judicious faculty use/saving unecessary brawn usage o electricity saving devices o sense campaign for competency saving o decrease in unnecessary transportations o readiness of effective equipment/ cipher efficient in industries o Decreasing line/ transmitting losses . 2 Developing new sinew resources o Tapping indigenous resources o Using renewable resources (water) by constructing new dams and hydro power plants o second of natural fumble o Utilizing option energy resources Wind power Biodiesel /Biomass Solar Tidal o Enhancing civilian nuclear capacitance 1. Introduction Energy is considered to be life line of any frugality and most spanking instrument of socioeconomic development of a country. Energy is pivotal in running machinery in factories and industrial units, for lighting our cities and powering our vehicles etc.There has been an enormous increase in the collect of energy as a result of industrial development and population growth, in comparison to enhancement in energy production. Supply of energy is, therefore, cold less than the actual demand, resultantly crisis has emerged. An energy crisis can be defined as any great bottleneck (or price rise) in the supply of energy res ources to an economy. 2. Pakistans Energy Sector Pakistans energy infrastructure is not well developed, rather it is considered to be underdeveloped and poorly managed. Currently the country is facing heartbreaking energy crisis.Despite of strong economic growth and rising energy demand during past decade, no serious efforts have been made to install new substance of generation. Moreover, rapid demand growth, transmission losses callable to outdated infrastructure, power theft, and seasonal reductions in the availability of hydropower have worsened the situation. Consequently, the demand exceeds supply and thusly load- remove is a common phenomenon through power shutdown. 2. 1 Energy Supply During 2009-10, Energy supply and per capita availability of energy witnessed a decline of 0. 64 % and 3. 09 % independently in comparison to previous year.Pakistan needs around 15,000 to 20000 MW electricity per day, however, currently it is able to produce about 11,500 MW per day hence the re is a shortfall of about 4000 to 9000 MW per day. This shortage is badly hampering the economic growth of the country. 2. 2 Energy Consumption Pakistans energy consumption is met by mix of gas, anele, electricity, coal and LPG sources with variant level of sh ars. Share of gas consumption stood at 43. 7 %, followed by oil 29. 0 percent, electricity 15. 3 percent, coal 10. 4 percent and LPG 1. 5 percent. 3. Sources of Energy in Pakistan 3. 1 Non-renewable resources (Fossil fuels)Limited ExpensiveNon renewable resources are primarily fossil fuels emanating from remains/decomposition of animals and plants deposited deep into the earth crust and interchangeed into oil and gas. These resources cannot be replenished. There are three main types of fossil fuels coal, petroleum, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). a). Petroleum products In 2009-10, consumption of petroleum products was 29% of total share of energy. Majority of crude oil is imported from gulf countries to me et the demand. Power, industry and transport sectors consume higher quantity of petroleum followed by agriculture and house holds.Petroleum is also used in generation of electricity, which counts 64 percent of total electricity generation (34 coming from hydro generation). Balance recoverable militia of crude oil in country have been estimated at 303. 63 million barrels and we are extracting around 24 million crude oil annually, meaning if we do not explore new wells, we will exhaust our current crude oil reserves in 12-13 years. b). Natural Gas grandeur of natural gas is increasing rapidly. Average production of natural gas is 4,048. 76 million cubic feet per day as against 3,986. 53 million during agree last year, showing an increase of 1. 6 percent. Natural gas is used in general industry to prepare consumer items, to produce cement, for manufacturing fertilizers and to generate electricity. In form of CNG, it is used in transport sector. Share of natural gas in energy consum ption is 43. 7 percent. Due to price differential between CNG and Petrol, vehicles are using converted to CNG and approximately 2. 0 million vehicles are using CNG and currently Pakistan is the largest CNG user country in the world. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) contributes around 0. 7 percent to total energy supply in country and is being imported to stop deforestation in hilly areas. ). Coal Pakistan has coal reserves estimated at over 185 billion tonnes, including 175 billion tonnes identified at Thar coalfields. Coal is primarily being used in brick kiln and cement industries and approximately 67 percent coal is imported be pull in indigenous coal is not considered of good quality. Guddu plant is largest plant thermal operated plant with a capacity of 1,650 MW, while two largest Independent Power Plants (IPPs) in Pakistan are Kot Addu (1,600 MW) and Hubb River (1,300 MW). 3. 2 Renewable Resources (Unlimited sustainable clean)Renewable energy resources are those, which are nat urally replenished and comes from resources such(prenominal) as water, sunlight, pry, rain, tides, and geothermic heat. a). Hydro power Hydro power is generated by using electricity generators to extract energy from moving water. Pakistan is having rich resource of energy in hydal power, however, only 34 % of total electricity generation is coming from hydro power. Currently we are having 6555 MW against the potential of 41000 to 45000 MW. Current Hydropower stations Tarbella Dam 3,478 MW Ghazi Brotha 1450 MW Mangla 1,000 MW Warsak 240 MW Chashma 184 MW Potential Hydropower stationsDiamer-Bhasha Dam 4500 MW Munda Dam Swat river in Mohamand Agency 740 MW Kalabagh Dam 2400-3600 MW Bunji Dam 5400 MW Dasu Dam 3800 MW 3. 3 Alternative Sources of Energy a). Wind Wind power harnesses the power of the wind to propel the blades of wind turbines. These turbines cause the rotation of magnets, which creates electricity. Though Pakistan has potentials of wind energy ranging from 10000 MW to 50000 MW, yet power generation through wind is in initial stages in Pakistan and currently 06 MW has been installed in first phase in Jhampir through a Turkish company and 50 MW will be installed shortly.More wind power plants will be strengthened in Jhampir, Gharo, Keti Bandar and Bin Qasim Karachi. b). Solar Solar power involves using solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity, using sunlight hitting solar thermal panels to convert sunlight to heat water or air. Pakistan has potential of to a greater extent than 100,000 MW from solar energy. Building of solar power plants is underway in Kashmir, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan. However, private vendors are trade panels / solar water heaters for consumption in the market. Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) is working for 20,000 solar water heaters in Gilgit Baltistan.Mobile companies have been asked by the government to shift supply of energy to their transmission towers from petroleum to solar energy panels. c). A gricultural biomass /biodiesel Biomass production involves using garbage or other renewable resources such as sugarcane, corn or other vegetation to generate electricity. When garbage decomposes, methane is produced and captured in pipes and later burned to produce electricity. Vegetation and wood can be burned directly to generate energy, like fossil fuels, or processed to form alcohols.Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs from biomass/biodiesel in the world, followed by USA. Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) of Pakistan has planned to generate 10 MW of electricity from municipal waste in Karachi followed by similar projects in twenty cities of country. d). Tidal Tidal power can be extracted from Moon-gravity-powered tides by locating a water turbine in a tidal current. The turbine can give an electrical generator, or a gas compressor, that can then store energy until needed. Coastal tides are a source of clean, free, renewable, and sustainable energy .Plans are underway in Pakistan to harness tidal energy, however, no murder has been made so far. 3. 4 Nuclear Nuclear power stations use nuclear fission reaction to generate energy by the reaction of uranium inside a nuclear reactor. Pakistan has a small nuclear power program, with 425 MW capacity, but there are plans to increase this capacity substantially. Since Pakistan is outside the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, it is excluded from trade in nuclear plant or materials, which hinders its development of civil nuclear energy.Remaining thins in development of nuclear energy are enricment of uranium from U235 to U238, controlling chain reaction and dumping of solid waste. Pakistan Nuclear Power Reactors Reactor Type MW Construction started Commercial operation Karachi PHWR one hundred twenty-five 1966 1972 Chashma 1 PWR 300 1993 2000 Chashma 2 PWR 300 2005 expected 2011 Total 425 MW * Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) Canadian based reactors ** Pressurized water reacto r (PWR) Chinese based reactors 4. Causes of Energy Crisis Pakistans energy crisis traces its roots to following distinct causes * Growing Energy Demand over the years there is greater need of energy because of increase in population, enhancement in lifestyle industrial and agricultural growth greater transportation needs * Lack of proactive and integrated planning for production of energy Pakistan has had wider potentials to tap energy, however, due to neglect of any integrated/proactive planning, very less number of power producing plant were installed to meet futuristic demands. Resultantly, over the years, the gap between energy demand and supply drastically grew and now against demand of 20000 MW, we are having around 11500 MW. Imbalanced energy energy mix Energy mix in Pakistan is quite imbalance in comparison to other countries, with greater reliance on non-renewable resources of gas (43. 7 %) and oil (29 % majority of which is imported). Prices of petroleum products/c rude oil fluctuate and in current Afro-Arab political crisis, the oil prices are likely to increase manifold impact oil prices in Pakistan. A rational energy mix planning ought to be developed giving greater dependency to renewable (hydel power), indigenous (coal) and alternative energy resources (wind and solar energy).Nuclear energy can * Non-utilization of enormous indigenous energy resources o Thar Coal Pakistan is having one of the largest coal fields in Thar, having reserves of more than 175 billion tones, which exceeds equivalent oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, Iran etc. In addition to power generation, this coal can be used for chemical and fertilizer production. Moreover, employment provided to workforce can be instrumental in increasing GDP and economic prosperity to many families. o Hydal power generation Pakistan has potential of hydro resources to generate 41000 to 45000 MW, however, only 6555 MW is currently being generated by this important renewable resource. Four la rge hydro power dams namely Kalabagh 3600 MW, Bhasha 4500 MW, Bunji 5400 MW and Dasu 3800 MW can be constructed to generate hydro electricity. Similarly, many small to medium hydro plants can be installed on rivers and canals etc. 5. Consequences of Energy Crisis i). Economic Factors Energy is pivotal for running all other resources and crisis of energy directly influences all other sectors of the economy.The economic progress is hampered by decline in agricultural productivity as well as by spirited in operations of industries. One important factor of lower GDP and inflation of commodity prices in recent years is attributed to shortfalls in energy supply. ii). Agriculture Sector Agricultural productivity of Pakistan is decreasing due to provision of energy for running tube wells, agricultural machinery and production of fertilizers and pesticides. Thus higher energy mover higher agricultural productivity. iii).Industrial Sector Nearly all Industrial units are run with the energy and breakage in energy supply is having dire consequences on industrial growth. As a result of decline in energy supply, industrial units are not only being opened, but also the living industrial units are gradually closing. iv). Unemployment By closure of industrial units and less agricultural productivity, new employment opportunities ceased to exist and already employed manpower is bust by the employers to increase their profit ratios. Thus energy crisis contributes towards unemployment. v).Social Issues This factor is primarily related to the domestic usage of energy (cooking, heating and water provision). Load shedding cause unrest and frustration amongst the people and results in agitation against the government. vi). Poverty Declination in economic growth, lower agricultural productivity, unemployment and shackling industrial growth result in increasing poverty. Currently, around forty percent of our population is living beyond poverty line and this ratio is increasing day by day. full control of energy crisis will surely yield in curbing the menace of poverty. 6. ConclusionEnergy Crisis has, more or less, plagued all sectors of Pakistans machinery ranging from economy to industry, agriculture to social life, inflation to poverty and it is hampering national progress in a drastic manner. Nonetheless, menace of energy crisis can be overwhelmed by government through making effective policies and its proactive implementation. Simultaneously, it is the responsibility of us, the people of Pakistan, to utilize the available energy astutely and wisely to play our due role for progress of the country. 7. Recomendations/Solutions of Energy Crisis Energy crisis can be curtailed by ). Reducing unnecessary energy use o Usage of electricity saving devices o Awareness campaign for energy saving o Reduction in unnecessary transportations by developing good public transport systems and strengthening Pakistan railways o Reduction in industrial uses with installatio n of effective equipment/ energy efficient and with increasing efficiency of workforce (cost effective) o Decreasing reliance on rental power projects, because instead of doing any good, they are increasing prices of electricity. o Decreasing line losses by using efficient power transmission cables ii).Developing new energy resources o Tapping indigenous resources (Thar coal) o Using renewable resources (water) by constructing new dams and hydro power plants o Import of natural gas by IPI (Iran Pakistan India) and TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) pipelines o Import of electricity from Tajikistan -through Pak Afghan Tajikistan transmission- and Iran (approximately 1000 MW from each of them) pipelines o Utilizing alternative energy resources Wind power Biodiesel /Biomass Solar Tidal o Enhancing civilian nuclear capacity ENERGY CRISIS IN PAKISTAN IntroductionPresent scenario of crisis Demand supply gap Counter measures Reasons of energy crisis Unrealistic plans and improper implementation Failure of introducing new projects Underutilization of resources Circular debt International oil prices Provincial prejudices Water shortage Transmission losses Power wastage Theft of electric power Accelerating demand Minimal research/exploration Immediate efforts/goals RPPs stabilize industrial sector Limiting commercial supply hours Short term goals Reviving non functional power plants Revamping transmission system Thar coal project IPI gas pipeline project Alternate/renewable energy sources Long term goals Conforming foreign policy and energy needs New dams Transparency streamlined techniques and usage Measures against power theft Energy crisis in transportation sector Biofuels/synfuels Standard of public transport system Hurdles Lack of will and implementation Corruption and malpractices Trust deficit conclusion It is evident that the fortune o f the worlds human populations, for better or for worse, are inextricably i nterrelated with the use that is made of energy resources. M. King Hubbert The nexus between economic prosperity and self sufficiency in energy has become basically vital for Pakistan. Today the energy crisis looming before us is the culmination of a long list of governmental failures, malpractices along with inefficient ways of consumption and a perpetually fragile economy. The futility of apparent counter measures can be attributed to slow or non existent exploration and exploitation of new resources outdated administrative and technological systems lack of tactful diplomacy at international level, all requiring immediate attention.Presently, the demand-supply gap in the energy sector has reached one of its highest in the country. This gap subsequently produced huge shortage of power that has adversely affected the economy. The crippling economy was further damaged when many industrial units had to be shut down, rendering thousands jobless. Consequently, this on going chain of crises is accelerating inflation. The government has intended to counter it with Rental Power Plants (RPPs) like the previous IPPs and to ease the burden on common man the regime claim to be providing continuous subsidies in the power sector.However, the constant trust deficit on the part of mint is not only due to the transparency issue of RPPs, it is majorly due to a constant increase in power failures and shortage, revealing an increase in the crisis instead of signs of recovery. If we take a look at the factors contributing to this enormous problem, the first and foremost one comes out to be the absence of any long term planning along with constant industriousness of such plans. Sadly, the failures of previous governments to increase the supply of energy by new measures against the escalating demand are glaringly obvious.Small scale projects like the Ghazi barotha only put a temporary halt to the arriving crisis instead of nipping it in the bud. Secondly, the under utilizat ion of available resources- especially hydroelectric one which can produce double the energy it is producing now- is another major setback. The government again fails or neglects to consider the shortages in winter and up-gradation of the hydroelectric and the thermal plants regularly. Thirdly, the circular debt is like an invisible impediment subtly fuelling up the crisis.It is an inheritance of former subsidies which the government failed to pay to the power companies, who in turn could not pay the oil and gas companies for supplies. Add to this the fluctuating international oil prices and the failing economy_ the war against terrorism and decreasing Foreign Direct investment-worsened the problem and induced further power and imported oil shortage. Subsequently, the political heads had to turn their eyes back to hydroelectric power generation.But the projects like Kalabagh Dam became victims of narrow mindedness and provincial prejudices which led to failure of consensus of opinio n. Had the Kalabagh Dam been built on time, we would not be confronted with this crisis today. Also the acute shortage of water the curtailed supply in eastern rivers by India major consumption and wastage of water in irrigation and the decreasing capacity of Mangela and Terbela Dams due to sedimentation render the hydroelectric power generation equally problematic as the thermal power generation.Of the chronic factors, the heavy line losses incontrovertible the old and poorly maintained transmission system is a grave administrative and technical failure of public sector power companies. These line losses are comparatively very low elsewhere in the world. Similarly, in the industrial and agricultural sectors which avail more than seventy percent of total power, the outdated techniques and malpractices of consumption waste more than a third of the consumed power. Moreover, the masses do not remain behind in adding to this loss. The theft of electricity, especially in urban areas has become a routine matter.Due to the decades old perception that this is a never terminus crisis and no accountability whatsoever, people tend to use unfair operator of obtaining electric power. Another reason is the unprecedented increase in demand of energy. It is due to the trend of enjoying luxurious life style in the past decade. This change magnitude demand by the domestic section has greatly disturbed the usually articulated demand and consumption status. Last but not least, snail paced research, stripped exploitation of new energy reserves and exploration of new oil and gas field damages progress in the energy sector.Couple this with the never ending corruption and lack of implementation in government and power companies this crisis has become a consistent and self perpetuating one. Seen in this perspective, Pakistan not only needs immediate efforts to reduce the demand-supply gap but also some elaborate and well chalked out immediate, short and long term plans and efforts . Thankfully, some sections in the society are aware of the magnanimity of this dire problem. The RPPs are expected to start working soon and the subsidies in the energy sector are s manger cushioning at least a part of the blow.But the real issue is of determining priorities and extracting maximum results even from this bleak scenario. Keeping this in view, the first policy of the government should be to supply uninterrupted supply of power to the industrial units, small or big, especially in industrial cities like Faisalabad, Gujaranwala. Also the power supply should be continuous for small local businesses throughout the country. Even if it equates to the continuation of the domestic shortage for a while, at least half of the RPPs should be employed for the industrial section.In addition, there are some non-operating power stations in the country which only require a little investment and technical improvements to revive them. such(prenominal) power units should be made effective to pull the economy out of complete doom. Secondly, the markets and shopping centers should be strictly enforced to close their business till 10 pm at night. This save power in different parts of each city can be diverted towards the domestic consumers by means of an effective administrative local system. The media and provincial governments would be of utmost importance in this strategy.The media specially, can acquire public support and educate masses in this regard. Resultantly, they will be able to remove the trust deficit between the government and the people. Coming on to the short term goals, the main instruction should be on the revival of those dead power generation units in Sindh and Punjab which can be made functional again and the systematic up-gradation of thermal and hydroelectric plants. Resultantly, these projects will maintain the smooth flow of energy and will at least prevent any further widening in the demand-supply gap.Similarly, the replacement of transmissio n lines to reduce losses should fall under the auspices of the provincial governments and ministries with proper allocation of budget from the center. The replacement of expired transmission systems is long overdue. This process mustiness(prenominal) be gradual and systematic to refrain from becoming a drain on the resources and it should be initiated from areas most severely hit by energy shortage. aft(prenominal) curbing and curing the internal ills, the attention should be diverted to exploration of new fossil fuel reserves (natural gas).As the thermally generated accounts for the major share of power in Pakistan, it should be dealt with effectively. Contrary to the deficit of oil reserves, the coal reserves in Pakistan are the second largest in the world. But the delay in slip from indigenous energy sources to coal is due to the snail paced progress in the Thar Coal Project that is in collaboration with China. China rocketing economy has driven coal industry into a new era o f efficient utilization. Pakistan should take heed from Chinas example and should gain technical assistance from it. twain countries can get together in Gwadar and Thar to explore and exploit new gas and coal reserves. Coming on to the gas pipeline projects, the IRAN-PAKISTAN-INDIA (IPI) pipeline is most realistic plausible one presently. It is at an efficiently advanced stage of implementation but has fallen prey to the disagreement in pricing formulas and trust deficit between India and Pakistan. Both the thar coal and IPI project require tactful diplomatic maneuvering and improving ties with India. An agreement between the two countries on IPI will enhance the prospects of resolving the water issue as well.Another aspect of solving this problem is the utilization of alternate and renewable resources of energy. It has been adopted by many developing and developed countries of the country to avert this crisis, such as Brazil, India, U. S. , Holland etc. Pakistan however, lags far behind in this regard. Consequently, some NGOs and public communities have took initiative in harnessing the renewable resources of energy such as wind and solar power. Pakistan is ideally situated to make use of both these resources. Isolated cases of developing these modes of energy can be seen in the illages of Thar desert ( solar energy ) and in some areas of Thattha and Karachi ( wind energy ) but it still needs massive government support. Interestingly, the Alternate Energy Development Board (AEDB) of Pakistan has collected information of all areas in the country suitable for making use of these alternate sources of energy but initiative for utilization of these sources are absent. Pakistan can very efficiently make use of its long day light hours and wind power in the coastal region to produce power for upcoming years.Most important in the long term planning and goals must be to streamline the foreign policy of the country according to its economic and energy needs. Improvi ng and increasing ties with time to come energy rich countries must not be neglected. As mentioned earlier, China can be a great asset in technical learning and facilities. Similarly, bilateral relations with Russia, Central Asian, East African states needs to be strengthened. These countries are the new energy hubs of the world, and being mostly land locked (C. A. states) can make use of Gwadar port and in return assist Pakistan as well.Taking Provincial prejudices and politics into view, the matters which are indispensable for the survival of the country and economy should be unplowed above such strife. Building new dams, at least Kalabagh dam should be taken on without and delay. Transparency and clarity in the policies and implementation methods of government and public sector power companies is of paramount importance. Without checking corruption and applying stringent measures against malpractices, all well executed policies will ultimately become another drain for the econom y.Moreover, educating the stakeholders and workers in the industrial and agricultural sectors on adoption of new and efficient practices of water and energy consumption will tend to reduce the wastage of energy. The theft of electricity must be considered and declared a heinous crime and any violations by domestic or industrial users should be liable to legal penalties and complete power cut off for such consumers. Taking a look at the energy crisis in the transportation sector, there is no doubt that fossil fuels are indeed depleting in the world and of reserves natural gas in Pakistan.To curb the hike in prices and supply shortage , research and exploration of new sites must be given impetus under the patronage of AEDB. Meanwhile, bio fuel ( alcohol or synthetic fuel ) can be produced quite slowly in Pakistan. Raw materials for this fuel being wheat and other cereals are in ample supply in Pakistan. Alcohol can be easy prepared by fermentation of molasses and is already a proper local industry in the country it just needs to be diverted in the right course. Finally, the system and standard of public transport must be improved to discourage the trend of personal vehicles which leads to greater demands of fuel.Making policies has never been the plight of our government. It is the lack of implementation which keeps the wheel of crisis moving. Today our government not only needs to take initiatives and hard decisions it also needs to give a boost to the destruction economy by providing unimpeded supply of power to industries. Secondly, corruption, misuse of funds, malpractices of energy consumption and wastage must b avoided and eradicated at all costs. Last but not least, the public trust and support is of utmost important. No policy can succeed if it doesnt enjoy public support.Media can play an effective role in creating awareness and trust that it is actually a global crisis which can only be solved with help and conscious effort by both citizen. Conclus ively, curbing the energy crisis requires transparent efforts at every level imaginable. The future policies and projects should be so oriented as to make Pakistan self sufficient in the energy sector. Self sufficiency in the energy sector will be the key to a flourishing economy, and a stable economy can serve as a device of curbing several interlinked adversities. The sooner we realize the gravity of this as a whole, the sooner we will emerge out of this crisis.
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